Sariwangi, was originally, founded by PT Sariwangi Agricultural Estate Agency (1962). However, the
brand Sariwangi was first introduced to the market with its teabag concept in 1973. Tea of Sariwangi comes from good quality leaf carefully selected to then be produced
naturally by fermentation without any coloring and preservative ingredients involved to get tea
with a high quality of color, taste, and smell.
Indonesia for the past years has faced lower productivity and profitability due to climate change
that affected the tea plantation. In general, tea production has declined in line with reduced
cultivation. According to the Indonesian Tea Association, the number of productions and exports
of tea has declined while the imports surged more than 400%. SAEA was trying to improve tea
plantation production by investing in a drainage system. Despite the big sum of money that was
invested in the new technology, things just did not go as well as planned for SAEA.